
时间:2017-11-30 10:33:53 点击:

The marble railing is a very local building. In many cities, areas, and streets, marble railings are built as signs. Before carrying out the construction of marble railings, we first need to investigate whether the local geological conditions are suitable for the construction of marble railings, and for the construction of high marble railings.

In addition, it is necessary to make a systematic scientific plan for the construction of specific style, and then made a detailed design drawings, when the post construction should be strictly in accordance with the drawings for design and construction, to prevent unnecessary accidents and problems occurred in the construction or the late stage of the process.


In general, after the design of the construction drawings of the marble railings, the construction time can be calculated accurately according to the number of specific personnel. So it is very important to design the drawings. The architectural style of the marble railings is very different from that of ordinary buildings.
The bearing walls of marble railings are relatively narrow, and even some marble railings are supported by only a few stone pillars. If the design is not proper, accidents are likely to happen. Most of the modern stone railings are not built by natural stone. Usually, steel bars are embedded inside the stone columns, which can greatly increase the safety of marble railings.

